Implement strong design.
Protect your business data.
Pass Security Audit. 

Your business database houses both transactional data and consumer data, both of which are more exposed than ever due to risks with new digital capabilities and technologies in the workplace. A data breach can cast an image of unreliable partner to your customer’s eyes, incentivizing them to take their business elsewhere. 

Applications are a growing target area for cyber threats. That means beyond developing a great user experience, you need to be considering what risks are introduced and how you eliminate them. With application development services from PCG, you get the security your application and your users need.

Share your vision with our team
Are you revealing too much info about your system in error messages?

Error Handling

Everyone saw a system error before but there are error messages just look raw and contain programming syntaxes and line numbers. These reveal a lot of inner working details of the application to attackers and enhance their chances of intrusion greatly.
We make sure if errors do happen they are being logged and properly handled.
Are your users who they really claim they are?

2FA Login

Two-factor authentication (2FA) strengthens access security by requiring two methods to verify your identity. These factors can include something you know - like a username and password - plus something you have - like a smartphone app - to approve authentication requests.
We harden our client systems by adding in 2FA login authentication.
Do you know hackers often attempt to inject own code to steal or delete your sensitive data?

SQL Injection

The SQL injection vulnerability is one of the most dangerous issues for data confidentiality and integrity in web applications and has been listed in the OWASP Top 10 list of the most common and widely exploited vulnerabilities since its inception.
We perform extensive testing of existing online forms and help secure them.
Do you know outdated software is a major security risk?

Keep software and plugins up to date

Updates often include security patches along with bug fixes and other enhancements. Out-of-date software can create vulnerabilities by providing an avenue for hackers. However, it’s also important to check your application after updates to confirm they did not cause other errors in functionality.
Patching software and running regression testing is our standard operational protocol.
If your data center fails at this moment, how much data do you lose? How many customers will you lose?

Backup your data

More than 20 percent of businesses that experience data loss or suffer a cyber-attack lose customers as well. Little needs to be said about how important it is to back up your data regular.
We assess current vulnerabilities and create a sound backup process.
Is your application being hosted securely?

Use a secure host

Unless you host your own site, your hosting provider has security measures in place to protect your systems and data.
We set up regular system updates, performance monitoring, and security protocols.